My top 3 music stations

Who listens to the radio anymore?
Okay, who listens to the radio AND will admit they listen to the radio?

*raises hand*

My favorite music radio stations are all accessible via iTunes. They are:
Digitalis, Analog rock [SomaFM] Acoustic Cafe
[Note: When searched for in iTunes, may be spelled “accoustic cafe”]
WUMB 91.9 FM [Boston]

The first few times I listened to Digitalis, I couldn’t listen long. Mostly because they would inevitably play some song with a dissonant note sustained for about minute straight which was a little too down-tempo for me. Over time I found more variety in their play list and learned to tolerate the “ambiguous noise” songs long enough to hear ones I found very engaging. I listen to this station a few times per week, mostly while working on mundane tasks.

RadioIo Acoustic has been one of my top stations for years. I’ve found my favorite singer-songwriters via this station. Though I don’t listen to it as often as I used to, it’s always a comfort to my ears whenever I listen.

WUMB has more actual radio feel to it, with DJ’s that say things other than who just played the last few songs. They also play live sets from musicians that I’ve come to admire greatly. Most recently, Ellis Paul. I heard him on this station this month singing a song called “Rose Tattoo” and so I looked him up online to find he was playing a show locally. I went to Santa Monica to see him play at McCabes Guitar Shop. Unfortunately, due to their ‘no recording’ policy I could not take any photos or video, but he was amazing to watch play live. You can watch him play Rose Tattoo for an accurate description of what I heard that day on this here radio station.

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